Writer's Block: Vivre et Travailler A La Maison by Apurva Pande

Looking forward to seeing Writer's Block in print with the French magazine Architectures A Avivre. Thank you for the thoughtful piece. And yes, we maximized our rudimentary reading skills in French successfully :)

Pour remedier au probleme et sublimer le potentiel de sa nouvelle residence secondaire, le couple fait appel aux architectes Chinmaya Misra et Apurva Pande de l’agence CHA:COL
— Mathieu Fumex, Architectures A Avivre

Writer's Block on NPR by Apurva Pande

So proud of our clients, Marie Lu and Primo for the story on them and Writer's Block on NPR. Great listening to you guys. Congratulations on the exciting new title, Warcross.

In her modernist loft in LA’s arts district, author Marie Lu has a modular workspace and lounge area whimsically dubbed The Writer’s Block.
— http://www.npr.org/2017/09/08/549000150/marie-lu-s-warcross

CHA:COL presents at Dwell on Design by Apurva Pande

Join us at Dwell on Design this weekend. We're presenting 'Tough Terrain, Peculiar Lots' this Saturday, June 24th. Register here for complimentary passes. Look forward to seeing you there.


The purpose of the presentation is to help explain the complex, unusual, often bizarre intersecting world of terrains, topography, unique lots as well as the adjudicating laws, agencies and codes that govern them. All this from an architect's design perspective.

LA has a diverse and complex terrain, hillsides, coasts, rivers, small lots, highways, special zones, transportation corridors, HOA, HPOZ...The list is overpowering, even for design professionals. Explore residences and lots that require vastly different strategies to make a project possible and highlight the issues that come with peculiar lots and physical conditions.
— https://la.dwellondesign.com/Attendee/Schedule/SessionDetails/39799


Look forward to seeing you there.

Design Awards 2017: Market Winner by Apurva Pande


Market winners represent the highest caliber of work within an industry segment across the globe.
— Design Awards 2017, Shaw Contract

We're thrilled to announce CHA:COL was awarded the 2017 'DESIGN IS' Market Winner for 'Skybox', designed for HR&A Advisors. More here.

2017 Winner

'DESIGN IS' Market Winner: Small Office

'Made by Design'

Our project was awarded in the Small Office category. Do visit and vote for People's Choice as well, if that's your thing ;) Link here

From an Architect: Buying vacant lots in LA by Apurva Pande

Curbed LA had an interesting write-up recently on the vicissitudes of buying and evaluating vacant lots in Los Angeles and interviewed CHA:COL.  We support the idea of educating people about the hidden complexities behind vacant properties, with actual examples of projects in planning and construction. CHA:COL will be presenting on the topic this June at Dwell on Design, so do keep an eye out for it.

it’s unlikely you’ll be the first person to ask questions about a particular piece of land in Los Angeles, says Apurva Pande, principal of the architecture firm CHA:COL. In other words, there’s probably a reason why someone hasn’t already built a home there.
— Curbed LA

Read the Curbed article here.

Writer's Block: Jeu Rencontre Design by Apurva Pande

Nice to read about Writer's Block asBloc de l’écrivain and us as Le Studio CHA:COL ;)

Story here. Bonne Lecture.

L’inspiration peut surgir de partout. Pour rénover un loft à los angeles, celle du studio cha:col est venue de monument valley, un jeu vidéo mêlant architecture et casse-tête dans un environnement très soigné. Visite guidée d’un appartement pas comme les autres.
— Emilie Laperrière, Avenues


DEZEEN features Writer's Block by Apurva Pande

Dezeen gave Writer's Block a really nice design feature today. Loved to see them describe how the process rolled together writing, design and graphics influences into a spatial entity.

Enjoy the article here

CHA:COL has renovated an apartment for a writer, which features bespoke millwork and decor based on popular mobile video game Monument Valley.
— Dezeen

Skybox: Design Feature by Apurva Pande

We're really excited seeing Skybox, our workplace project in downtown, for urban planning firm HR&A features in Kontakt Mag today. We had a great time working through creative ideas on this project, perched high up in The Bloc complex here in downtown Los Angeles.

Read 'Skybox: Thinking Inside the Box' here